Can you please quote any statement I've made (in context) and show how it's an example of "look[ing] at things in a very binary way"?
(Recall that you said, "Of course patriarchy is driving the Man Box" (emphasis mine), and if it wasn't obvious, my statements were trying to unpack how that obviousness manifests itself in the results of the study.)
Also, do you have any evidence that engineers look at things in a binary way? "The bridge is either strong, or it's weak" doesn't seem like a successful path to engineering, so I'm kind of confused about that part of the claim, too. It might be true; it just isn't obvious to me given the professional demands on engineers.
(Also, sorry for the multiple replies, but this has gone in several different directions at once, and it's easier to follow the different directions (or abandon them if they're unproductive) with multiple comments.)