(1) I'm not promising this is possible in even a single instance--see the conditional "If I reply again and disagree"? I might suspect so, but that's different than knowing.
(2) I don't say I'm going to both correct your interpretation and correct Eisler. I say I will do one or the other. "Or" does not mean "as well as". It's an option to do both, or only one, but not neither (unless I don't reply at all).
(3) Your original charge was, "you saying that you know more than I do about how my beliefs align with Eisler's" but the text you quoted doesn't make that claim at all. At most it says that I think I am likely enough to discover a discrepancy between a particular belief of yours and the corresponding belief of Eisler's that it is worth mentioning as a possibility.
You can know more about me about how your beliefs align with Eisler's but if you have slipped up even once and I can find it, then I'd be able to do what I said. Depending on what the slip-up was about, it may or may not be consequential. (I'll try not to waste our time with inconsequential stuff, however. I was taking that as a given before; I'm making it explicit now.)
Aside: Nurturing our Humanity came and I was trying to figure out where to put it (there are various reasons why this is not as trivial a thing as it might seem), and eventually decided, "Oh! That's a good idea! I'll put it ___!"...and...when I looked there, there was The Chalice and the Blade. So maybe I do have mental problems after all. Aaaanyway. I possess both now and know how to find them. Reading will take some time, however.