A brute, inexplicable divine lawgiver.
If you want to explain why primitive hunches center on gods rather than mechanisms, great, you have yourself a plausible story here. We're pretty good at mechanisms, but we're great at motives and intention, so why not pick the easy path as the first guess?
If you want to get any farther than that, you'll have to do better that brute restatement of your claims.
In particular, you need to justify that the "inhuman origin of the universe's order" necessarily provokes "horror that dawns on the zombie's victims". Instead of, say, "delight in the comprehensibility of a structured universe", or "giggling glee of the child who has just solved a particularly tricky puzzle" or "infinite relief to be free of the strictures of an emotionally unstable and vengeful deity or set thereof" or "a yawn and a shrug, before wondering whether to check Facebook or Twitter first".
You also need to justify why an incorrect emotional response shouldn't be dealt with as such, even if it is observed. Yes, let's suppose that the silly primates get all upset that the universe doesn't comport with their evolved desire to relate to everything socially. Maybe they just need to get over it without exploiting each other and everything else in an objectifying temper-tantrum because they don't seem to have gotten their way, and without justifying their tantrum with stories about zombies and Machiavelli. Grow up already, primates!