Are you following any principles here, or just doing whatever feels sorta right at the time, and going along with the crowd?
You seem very pleased with yourself for reporting your resistance to engage in any way with challenging material or to make yourself understood. Indeed, I initially thought this was parody, though your answer to James Finn is inconsistent with that interpretation.
I mean, if your honest position is that you seek the relocation of hundreds of millions of people across multiple continents and transferring control of quadrillions of dollars of wealth, causing massive global disruption and extreme hardship, I can understand why you might be a little hesitant to say that.
But if, more immediately, you want to, for instance, get the university to divest from anything Israel, hadn't you better try to make the case, not just sit there with signs that all together would fit comfortably in a single tweet?
If you don't make your case, how are you not just thuggishly exercising power to force your way upon others who disagree--and since nobody elected you all, why shouldn't power sources with greater legitimacy (because at least they were elected) use their power, justly, to thwart your attempt at minority rule?