Are you serious? Obama practically never stressed how great and awesome he personally was while he was President. With Trump, he could hardly get through a press conference without praising himself.
Are you confusing the relentless right-wing attacks against Obama as an individual with Obama setting up a cult of personality himself?
Every political leader needs to gain personal support to some extent. But Trump's showmanship and self-promotion is in a totally different league from Obama's tendency towards stately, dignified pronouncements.
Trump, like Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan before him, ran very much on individual personality. This is rather unlike Obama, either of the Bushes, or Carter. Of course Obama could be highly motivating, 43 could be charming in a homey down-to-earth way, Carter had a wholesome sincerity that was very appealing.
So every President has to have some advantages with respect to their character.
But drawing a parallel between Obama and Trump with regards to cult-of-personality just makes it sound like you haven't been paying attention.