But these words are exactly the problem: in my opinion.
Someone with different morals might have a different opinion. Who are you to tell them their morals are wrong and yours are right if you can't do so objectively?
This is why especially for the purpose of illustrating the point, something objectively crystal clear, like that 5G does not cause Covid, is essential.
Indeed, "my subjective view on morality means you have to believe what I say" is exactly the kind of dangerous opinion that Bob is correct to be worried about. If you can't make an argument so compelling in favor of homosexuality not being a capital crime that anyone with ordinary mental faculties would be forced to agree, then people need to be free to have different opinions (not necessarily act on them) and express them and discuss them and explore them so we're not locked into whatever view one part of society felt strongly about and enforced on everyone else, if we're wrong, or we learn through challenge how to make the argument adequately compelling, if we're right.
Now, I happen to think that we can in fact construct an argument that capital punishment for homosexuality is objectively wrong for creatures-like-us, but I certainly wouldn't go around using this as an example without the argument in hand.