Despite being in Science, and by scientists, this is really just an opinion piece without much scientific content.
I don't blame the authors for that--I see no reason to assume they were going for anything else--but we shouldn't use the article to support ideas it wasn't intended to support.
But, anyway, this does not make a "scientific case" for much of anything. It doesn't present findings, or review the literature on sex determination in humans, or anything else like that. It doesn't make inaccurate statements about the science either--it just doesn't make many statements about science at all. Instead, it makes the sociological case that scientists should adopt certain practices.
(The most directly relevant citation, citation 10, also fails to resolve (?!). It should here:
As far as robust arguments go, I don't even think this is a particularly good article (I've seen better on Medium), possibly because the authors expect a friendly audience. Were they expecting an unfriendly audience they might not open with "Inclusive language around sex diversity has never been more important."
Anyway, bottom line is: don't lean too hard on this article; it's not meant to support much weight or offer robust counters to criticism!