Did you forget about all the religious conservatives who think abortion is murder and those who advocate for choice are evil? That homosexuality (let alone transgenderism) is evil and that pride corrupts the youth? Did you forget about the rhetoric about undocumented immigrants as criminals (how is letting in criminals not evil?!)? Did you forget about the push to ban anti-racist materials, mentions of sexual orientation, and so forth, in schools at least?
No, some of the Right thinks that the Left is evil and should not have a voice.
Also, the liberal Left (there is still a lot left) neither thinks that the Right is evil nor that it should be silenced.
The illiberal Left thinks the Right is evil, and isn't too keen on making distinctions about different parts of it. But the illiberal Right thinks the Left is evil too.
It's how tribalism works, and you've fallen right into the trap.