Donating to UNICEF can help some of the Rohingya.
It is hard to do anything to meaningfully help the Uighurs; there are some aid organizations, but they lack the power to do much. Political pressure is as likely to backfire as help, given the proclivities of the Party. Journalism and awareness still might help some. But this is a really tough ask compared to the others.
Anyone can at least not eat Chilean sea bass, and resolutely and loudly call it by its original name, the "Patagonian toothfish", to counter the marketing that's contributing to its decline.
One can donate to Team Seas to help (mostly indirectly at this point) with the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
A lot of tiny dents can, together, often go a long way towards solving a problem. You can't dent everything, but it's all too easy to absolve oneself of all responsibility by saying, "Oh, what can I do?" when the answer is: collectively, a whole heck of a lot, so let's build the awareness and support for collective action (in addition to contributing to said action).