Everyone's heard of "Defund the Police". Everyone's heard of "Black Lives Matter". How many people have heard of the "George Floyd Justice in Policing Act"?
It's almost always a good idea to listen to Frederick Douglass. In this case, the famous line: power cedes nothing without a demand.
"Defund the Police" is a demand, but was repeatedly stated to not actually mean what it says because the money was supposed to go to various not-consistently-and-clearly-articulated-stuff. As a demand, it wasn't very actionable. Except for the defund part. Which some places did (e.g. Berkeley, California--who undid it when black residents complained about crime, violation of traffic laws, etc.).
"Black Lives Matter" isn't even a demand.
"Pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act now" is a demand. That's the kind of thing that we need to take to power and say: we demand this. As a start.
It's great that you're highlighting this! But how can enough attention be focused on it for long enough so that it can happen? If this had been ready to go when George Floyd was killed, it's very likely it would have happened. The United States congress knows not to argue with 20 million outraged protestors.