Excellent analysis--I think you've hit the nail on the head on this one.
However, although this might be the most public instance yet showing the flaws in the identity group narrative, it's not like the flaws weren't completely blatant to begin with--to the point where none of the thoughtful legal analysis from the founders of CRT come anywhere close to claiming what the cultural movement inspired by it has embraced. And because the flaws were already so obvious--there have always been lots of counterexamples, some of which you listed--I'm doubtful that this will make much difference.
Part of the key--if it doesn't just get resolved by fatigue, which is the usual way that these things die out (c.f. political correctness)--I think is to approach the matter in a more hard-nosed analytic way.
(1) What is the mechanism by which an oppressed class fails to exhibit all the flaws and problems of ordinary humans, including those that muck up their own lives?
(2) How big is the effect size of being in an oppressed class on any particular outcome variable? For instance, if you're not heterosexual, how much (with numbers!) does this impact your job prospects?
These things both should quickly indicate that the excessive weight placed on identity group is exactly that--excessive (and unjustifiable), while simultaneously illuminating the actual systemic problems that we need to fix (far better than the identity group flavor does, as handwavy "OMG oppression" is much less compelling than "in matched applicants, the oppressed group gets 30% fewer job interviews than the oppressor group" or "when placed in a position of presumed power, participants were 45% more selfish than when the assumption was of equality").
But, I dunno, using math and basing things on objective reality is apparently part of the oppression of the white imperialistic patriarchy and is irrelevant in the face of your lived experience, and using math and basing things on objective reality is also liberal elitist snobbery trying to trick and talk down to hard-working Americans of faith who can see the plain truth and aren't going to fall for it.
So I guess that might not help either.