Firstly, that is not what you said. You said, and I quote, "The ''Man Box'' has always been a feminist caricature". You didn't say "use of".
Secondly, the Man Box study itself gets ~20% of men agreeing pretty strongly with the statements, which means that it can't be "a giant farce that blatantly misrepresents who men are".
If you are talking purely about a feminist mischaracterization of the content of the original Act Like a Man idea and the follow-on Man Box study, well, sure*, depending on who exactly you're talking about. But you didn't convey this in your original message.
(*Sure, in this context, meant "sure, try to show examples of what/who you mean", not "sure, of course feminists always misrepresent the Man Box". But XIO666 didn't respond, so maybe they didn't actually have anything specific in mind after all.)