Focusing on group identity is the most natural thing in the world. And for very good reason: banding into a group for mutual aid and protection makes one collectively powerful. Because it's natural and automatic, you don't need any particular "sense" to do it.
However, it's also a powerful contributing factor to almost every serious conflict in the world.
Shouting at me to go study things I already know well isn't actually a substitute for you thinking about human psychology--learning about it too, if need be. You didn't actually address any of my points at all. You evaded the whole lot. I'm not sure you even took the time to even understand any of it--you certainly didn't reply in a way that indicates that you did.
Anyone who wants to actually solve problems (rather than feel righteous and/or get upvotes from like-minded people and/or make money) needs to devote considerable effort to understanding how the relevant domains work.
If you can contribute in a positive way by educating people about the tremendous historical evils of racism, and the substantial ongoing evils of racism, sure, great, that's important.
But if you're not also willing to think about human psychology (and that's a highly relevant domain here, given that society is made out of people), then you should hesitate to recommend any fixes, lest you contribute to the equivalent of pouring water on a grease fire.