Given that critical theory repudiates many central tenets of liberalism and of enlightenment thinking, and is not very much about actually being "critical" (indeed, its postmodernist roots and fixation with power lead it towards being highly uncritical intellectually), I think all the critical theories should be under attack, and none more than postmodernist critical theory.
I do think that racism is a likely factor for why Critical Race Theory is the main target.
Many critical theories have, to their credit, come up with some important insights. But critical theory promotes an unreliable epistemology, so I really think everyone would have been better off approaching the same topic with the underpinnings of analytic philosophy rather than continental. Indeed, the reason why we believe and can convince others of some of the perspectives that Critical Race Theory introduced is exactly because people didn't accept anecdotes, didn't care about using the tools of a system to point out flaws in it, and simply gathered good evidence the old reliable way.
And most of the reason we can't convince people of other aspects is because nobody's done that yet for those aspects (or they have, and the answer turned out "wrong").
Bad approaches can uncover genuine truths. But you uncover them faster, and reject the mistakes faster, if you have a more robust intellectual foundation.