Haha, oh dear, oh dear. right-wing a.k.a. logic-based?! Come now. You can find incredible amounts of inane right-wing nonsense out there, even on Medium.
Why don't you support logic-based authors and articles, irrespective of political persuasion? If you find good, sensible arguments--even if you think ultimately the position is wrong--upvote them!
If you think every single left-wing (including liberal left-wing) author is not logic-based, then I have news for you: it's you who aren't logic-based, except inasmuch as you're following the "logic" of "if it's my side, it's correct".
For instance, there's no way to paint TaraElla as right-wing--she's on the libertarian left--and if you think her posts aren't logical, then something is deeply wrong with how you categorize what is "logical". (Her set of topics are pretty narrow; you may not have encountered her.) Likewise with Teed Rockwell: an abundance of logic in his posts, but certainly not right-wing.
If you want less stupid in social media, you should upvote people who you disagree with but who make good arguments. I disagree with Elliot a lot, but I still upvote (some of) his stuff because it's mostly well over the bar of what is needed to have quality discourse. If I think he's wrong, I should come back with a superior argument.