Hey, um, who exactly are you listening to, and who do you intend for your audience to be?
If you poke around on Medium you'll find endless troves of articles blasting non-intersectionality, calling out white cis "progressives" for not being leftist enough, etc. etc.. Threats of ostracization abound, along with no lack of actual examples of ostracization on twitter and whatnot.
You even point out how ostracization is driving white cis men towards the right. Of all groups (in the United States, the U.K., etc.), they admittedly need the least sticking-up-for, but systematically attacking and ostracizing people for immutable characteristics is a really dumb way to demonstrate inclusion and tolerance or to ask for inclusion and understanding. And then you call for...more...ostracization? Or at least say it's the only thing that works?
Your "calling out problems" seems to be "piling on to existing problems, just from a further-left perspective".