How do you know this, though?
For instance, are we actually all well-versed in the moral intuitions described by Haidt, and do we understand what prompts them and how they drive behavior in people with different weightings of these intuitions? Do we understand why people have different weightings on intuitions?
Are we actually all well-versed in the expression of behavior that is counter-rational when viewed individually but can be explained by social utility (but not utility for the individual), like making sacrifices in order to punish transgression?
Do we properly account for familiarity and sentimentality as drivers of human behavior?
Do we understand the shift from pride to violence as an expression of tribal/coalitional behavior?
Do we adequately understand how the cognitive distortions caused by confirmation bias and a preference for simplicity cause people to maintain radically incorrect beliefs?
Why are people isolated and frightened, if they are? Do we know how to make them connected and comfortable? Do we need to make them connected and comfortable or is it enough to train them to cope with isolation and fear?