I agree that "lol men getting the worse deal" sentiment is not consistent with feminism. Or a humane outlook.
But while I agree that there are a variety of combat-related jobs that can be done by anyone, I don't think the ratios of different needs match the capabilities of the general population. Especially for territory defense.
The cost to your population is large and the marginal benefit is small. So it makes more sense to let anyone volunteer, but to conscript the people most likely to make the biggest difference, keeping in mind that you will make a lot of mistakes but being fast is more important than being fully accurate.
(Keep in mind also that people who aren't conscripted don't just vanish. If it's on your own territory, you need someone to keep things running. So "not being conscripted" is kind of already being directed towards less strength-critical jobs on average.)
Someday perhaps combat will end up being wholly independent of physical attributes, and culture will pre-train the population equally towards relevant tasks. But although it's moved substantially in that direction from wars of history, it's not 100% there yet.