I already did. It's not worth trying again. I haven't figured out how to reliably convey information to you.
If I use simple language, I must write more. But you misinterpret what I say. I think it is because you don't read or remember it all. But I can't be sure.
If I compactly and precisely express myself, you also misinterpret me--perhaps either the language or the structuring of ideas requires more effort than you're willing to apply?
Either way, you misinterpret me incessantly.
For example, your answer above says, "That's exactly what I did." about something I wrote explaining my behavior, not yours. "I figured I don't need to take out the extra-velvety gloves if I'm going to disagree with you", I said. That's about what I am doing.
So, yes, I think we're done here.