I didn't, as you will see if you check what I wrote.
My point is that the terminology is catchy but ill-considered if one wants to avoid provoking resistance, because it labels everyone rather than drawing a distinction. Distinctions provoke movement towards the good end of the range. Negative labeling based on immutable characteristics tends to provoke resentment or resignation.
If you call under-exercising while over-eating highly processed foods the "America Box", you're going to have a harder time reaching many Americans who would benefit from healthier lifestyles.
Regarding "most men", I think you need to review Table 3.3 of the Equimundo report (https://www.equimundo.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TheManBox-Full-EN-Final-29.03.2017-POSTPRINT.v3-web.pdf, page 28). That does not support your statement that "most men cling to" these things.