I don't particularly doubt that you can be analytical, but don't you think you should put a little more effort in when you are specifically highlighting this trait?
You didn't talk about g, about the correlation between IQ (g or otherwise) and all kinds of desirable outcomes (e.g. income, educational attainment, life satisfaction, etc.), or about what "variance explained" means and how in the unexplained part of the variance there is (or is not) room for the other things you're talking about. You didn't talk about the Flynn effect or heritability of IQ. You didn't talk about retest accuracy, about the concordance or lack thereof between WISC6 and Raven's progressive matrices (the canonical "rotate a pentagon"-style tests), or really anything that would lead anyone to a deeper analytical understanding of the topic.
In particular, if you want people to be inoculated against blindly believing reddit misinformation, you have got to do something about, "Oh yeah? Well the correlation coefficient between income and IQ is 0.46!"