I gave plenty of support for my thesis based in reality.
Regarding Republican success, I already covered that: extremism increases motivation (and motivation can be enough to win elections). Also, Republicans are very good at painting Democrats as extremists. That's one of their main tactics. ("Democrats will take your guns away! Democrats want to murder babies! Democrats want the United Nations to control your life! Democrats want to take all your hard-earned money away so they can give it to the lazy, to the irresponsible, and to the illegally-present.")
And I already mentioned needing to understand the phase of the rights-seeking process, which you totally ignored (c.f "70 years to get the vote for women"). Maybe you want to spend 70 years trying to get abortion rights back. I don't. I'd go for, like, one year, even if the rights aren't as broad-ranging.
I'm not sure about in-person protests, but most pro-abortion posts by men on Medium (that I've seen) start with, "I know I can't get pregnant so I don't really have any right to speak about anything, but...". To me, it looks like intersectionality cutting off engagement--another example of the more extreme position ("men can't speak on this issue") undermining the effort to regain abortion rights. This is just a hunch; it's hard to prove, so I don't expect you to be convinced, but it might be worth mulling over.
I don't think there's much point discussing further, since you can't or won't distinguish between an extensively evidence-backed position (which could be argued is incorrect by presenting sufficient contradictory evidence) and what "feels good". This is just license to ignore the evidence that I do present, and it's not exactly a quick process to fact-check all the evidence that I do present (which I do, at least quickly--some details do go unexamined, of course) to help make sure, for instance, that I'm not misremembering something.
Thank you for those parts of the discussion where we made progress and for the relevant points you made (some included in your most recent reply and to which I didn't respond--other readers, if there happen to be any, can consider their persuasiveness).
Feel free to respond to any points here. I'm happy to let you have the last word, except I might possibly want to correct egregious errors, if any.