I guess you're from Venus, then?
To me, the dominant thrust of Western attempts to make a better society have been to curb might-makes-right, starting with the Magna Carta and continuing ever since. And it's been fairly successful. Despite all the calls to "lock her up", Trump did not, in fact, lock up Hillary Clinton, for instance.
But before I respond at any length, I suspect I am not understanding your meaning, because you immediately start talking about money. What do you view as "might"--strength? authority? wealth? skill? influence? connections? aggregate standing within the dominance hierarchy of society which is affected by all those things?
Are the popular girls ("queen bees") in high school "mighty"?
Then, also, what counts as "makes right"? Ability to do something? Legal sanction? Societal assent to the morality of actions?
Because what your claiming in the most naive interpretation is patently absurd, I am pretty sure you don't mean that, but I am not terribly confident that I understand what you do mean.