I learned that people can write whole articles like this, pointing out how people can discount deaths and supposing it is because they are "brown", and yet fail to mention Hamas killing 800+ civilian Israelis, despite Hamas merely needing to not go out of their way to attack civilians to avoid civilian casualties.
How is that not discounting deaths because they're Israeli (or Jewish)?
Yes, you wrote that Hamas was trash in another article. Indeed. But they're also the key to the entire situation. Can you honestly say that Hamas won't use attitudes of the sort you're advocating as cover to commit more murder? You've seen the quotes from them saying they intend to do precisely that, right?
Indeed, the excess of the current Israeli response is probably in large part because of perspectives like yours, because what it looks like is that a large part of the world has an attitude of "Well, yeah, they can kill a thousand of your civilians or whatever, and then hide under their own civilians, and you can't do anything because oh the poor sacred Palestinian civilians!"
So, if you agree that they're trash, how do we get rid of Hamas? Wouldn't that solve the problem? Do you honestly think that if Hamas were gone, Israel would still be engaged militarily like this?