I think all youth need attention. Girls are more depressed and self-destructive, but they're still out-competing boys academically by a substantial margin, which--if they survive!--will lead to lifelong problems for the boys (in comparison to the girls who, honestly, also aren't achieving as much as they could, but the gulf is narrower, at least).
However, although the mental health stuff is valuable, I think it's fundamentally addressing the wrong problem.
"We have a lot of workplace injuries, so we're providing more free ibuprofen and occasional physical therapy" is no substitute for actually making the workplace safer.
Likewise, if our young people are telling us that our society is toxic to them, we should be figuring out how to lower the toxicity, not trying to treat the symptoms.
And you have to be especially careful not to increase toxicity against one gender while trying to reduce it on the other side. Expressing to girls how valuable various traits are, not just appearance, is great. However, a lot of people who correctly trumpet women's accomplishments also spend a good deal of time bashing men's accomplishments (same deal with race), which is not the message you want to send when boys are already checking out way too often.
It's a difficult problem to fix intentionally given that we've mostly gotten here by accident, and some of the reflexive responses ("protect!") tend to make things worse ("psychological fragility!").