I think Medium just has me pegged as having different interests than you.
The one that most stood out in my mind (and I found again) was https://aninjusticemag.com/why-its-transphobic-to-deny-attraction-to-transgender-people-fbe608d9df6d.
(There was not much response to that one. One person responded with a pretty respectful version of, “No, you’re wrong, that’s not how it works for me.”)
It does come up, albeit not that much even in my feeds, even if your searches don’t show it much. A key aspect of social media is that your experience is intentionally not universal: it’s personalized. So you have to keep a more open mind about what other people are experiencing than if, say, you’re talking about what it’s like to shop at Walmart. I should too: I accept that it is quite likely not your experience that this is actually a thing. But other people have had a different experience. Even if it’s not the norm, it’s often enough to deserve a response. (Also, it’s also possible and I would judge quite likely that it is true that some people don’t consider trans people as romantic partners precisely because they are transphobic!)
Although it’s entirely true that the progressive left has completely lost control of the word “woke”, it took way less than a decade to go from being an appellation of in-group admiration to one of out-group scorn. For instance, it was used in the positive sense around the 2014 Ferguson protests and was if anything expanding by 2017 (see e.g. https://www.vox.com/culture/21437879/stay-woke-wokeness-history-origin-evolution-controversy).
Anyway, it is not remotely true that the phrase was “used briefly a decade ago”.
And though I’m all for affecting positive change, I’m not sure I see a relaxation of purity tests (or, for that matter, effective legislative action). Like why the furor when Matt Daemon announced he’d belatedly recognized that a particular slur shouldn’t be used even in jest — he said he’d gotten the message and changed and people still seemed upset with him, instead of going, “Jeez man, about time, glad you finally got the message. Now, how about some comprehensive criminal justice reform — you’d support that, right?” And like, where is the comprehensive criminal justice reform already? I don’t have time to organize an effort myself. I keep waiting for something to vote on or contact my representatives about…waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
So, yes, get stuff done! That’s awesome! But if you’re not seeing purity tests I think you’re not looking. That goes well beyond the kind of personalized-experience of social media algorithms.