I think you're pretty off-base here.
Tate has a level of toxicity and agency (that you admit, c.f. "hierarchy") that vastly exceeds even the most reactive echo-chamber-propelled pieces that Jgln has written (and she's far from the best example of echo-chamber-driven men-are-useless feminism...honestly, I don't understand why you picked her at all).
Oh, and let's throw in cynical manipulation of Tate's own followers for his financial gain, and likely criminal activity, too.
Not to mention that Tate is a high-profile influencer and Jgln is a medium-profile Medium author.
Yeah, you say why you're doing this, and yeah, you sorta have some point, but if you step back the picture is that you just created an implicit parallel there that was deeply unfair, and you need to work way way harder than you did if you were going to undo the implication.
It feels like you're arguing that--yes, the Witch King strikes terror in the heart of the Free Peoples of Middle Earth in order to subjugate their will, and of course we reject that, but you know, Sam was pretty suspicious of Gollum/Smeagol, so, really, you can understand why the Witch King just clocked out, yeah?