I think you're quite on target, but you don't venture a reason as to why this came to pass.
As far as I can tell, it's because feminism "won". It was the objectively correct perspective (at least for a society that values personal liberty), and after a critical struggle to get past the cultural and institutional barriers, almost nobody disputes the core tenets any longer in affluent Westernized societies. Even in those cases where there are egregious violations of women's rights (e.g. abortion access in the U.S. in some states right now) the argument for the violation is basically never "and anyway, she's only a woman". That is only brought up by people fighting for the rights, and is vigorously denied by the people trying to suppress them ("it's because life begins at conception! It'd be totally the same if somehow it were men!"). Now, it's reasonable to be skeptical of the denials (even if they're honest), but intellectually and rhetorically feminism won. (First and second wave.)
Except it only "won". Culture doesn't understand arguments and rhetoric. There are a ton of things baked into culture that just perpetuate themselves. And there are bands of resistance fighters who keep attacking even when the enemy has surrendered. And there's an army who isn't terribly pleased about the prospects of having to disband, or switch from battle to tedious keeping of the peace, to extend the analogy way too far.
So you get a muddle of genuine albeit substantially lesser problems that haven't gone away even though basically everyone declares attitudes that suggest that they should have, actions taken to recapture the glory and importance of the big advances despite there not being any sensible big advances left, and overreactions to the rare genuinely misogynistic forays that provoke conflict and thus more misogyny rather than less. ("Boys are stinky!" "Oh yeah, well girls are dumb!" etc.) And no matter which kind of action people are taking, they tend to use the label "feminism". The future is female (i.e. army continuing to take more territory)? Feminism. Highlight historical inattention to research on how to improve postpartum outcomes for women? Feminism. My clothes have no pockets because of the patriarchy? Feminism. "Woman" is a set of behaviors we do, not a thing we are (i.e. "performative") and therefore at least mostly arbitrary ("socially constructed") and therefore mumble mumble something justice? Feminism. Whether these things are good or bad, the point is that unlike "let women work and vote", they're all over the place, and they're all over the place because the core legal equalities were achieved, and so were the nominal (if not actual) social ones.
But only in affluent Westernized societies.
In Afghanistan, in Chad, in Syria, and many other places, women still desperately need even first-wave feminism. The really basic responsibilities we all should have towards each other as humans are not being met. People still need feminism.
I hope the victorious fragmentation into a myriad of directions, some advisable and some probably not, doesn't too badly tarnish the brand before it can be used to help other women attain a more empowered existence.