I understand that primates are fairly keenly attuned to relative standing.
But Pascal was his Russian teacher. (Not sure if she was at that moment, but that's how they knew each other initially.) If you read other comments of hers, it doesn't sound like she was cowed or distraught; rather, he was a weird character, and she knew it: "If you had committed a murder, if your marriage was breaking up, or if you were about to change your faith, he would be the best man to consult. He would never refuse to give practical help. But if you suffered from fears, insecurity, were badly adjusted, he would be a dangerous man, and one to be kept away from. He would not be sympathetic to common troubles, and his remedies would be all too drastic, surgical. He would treat you for original sin."
And I have seen undergrads be less charitable than that in asking questions to a Nobel prizewinner, so I think you might have a misconception about what (probably) neurodivergent people can feel comfortable with.