I was totally with you until I reached the article that you linked (https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/lesbians-are-being-erased-by-transgender-activists) wherein a lesbian claims to have been physically assaulted by a trans person (in addition to receiving verbal abuse on multiple occasions) and which you bring up only to use for the shock value of "they said Taliban!".
I can't vouch for the accuracy of the article, but it is shocking to take what appears to be someone's pain and fear and only extract from that scorn for them because they used a highly negative comparison. Or perhaps not shocking; it would have been before social media dulled our sensitivities, but it's still terrible.
So at this point, I don't think I can trust a single word you say. Who knows how badly skewed your perspective is?
I support trans rights because I support everyone's rights, which I do because I have compassion for people. I stand steadfastly in opposition to acts and attitudes that hurt and demean and belittle.
I won't make the mistake of changing my view on rights because one person happens to write something profoundly insensitive. But some might. So more care might be warranted, assuming that this was borne of some temporary frustration (or some deeper knowledge that you didn't bother sharing in its depth) and is not instead reflective of the type of outlook that people of compassion should stand steadfastly against.