I wholeheartedly endorse your approach!
The reason to not feed the trolls is if either it is too burdensome, or if you don't know how to construct a good argument. Otherwise, the trolls end up uniformly worse off: even if the trolls themselves occasionally don't think so, most observers can tell, and thus are less likely to accept the trolls' bad ideas.
From what I see in this article, I think against you the trolls will be uniformly worse off. (For the record, there are weak points in all of your arguments as stated, but not the kinds of weak points that can be exploited by trolls--if someone is going to engage you at that level, they are not trolling.)
One small point of technical correctness: since Grover Cleveland was President non-consecutively, the number of people who have been President is one less than the number of Presidencies (two consecutive terms is counted as "one Presidency", but two non-consecutive terms is counted as two). So, anyway, only 45 people have been President: 45 men, of whom 44.5 were white, if you want to calculate that way. There were 46 Presidencies, of which 45.5 were white.