If people didn't use Islam to excuse egregious violations of human dignity, maybe there would be less "Islamophobia". It's not just Afghanistan under the Taliban--even Indonesia seems to becoming more regressive at the local level (despite reasonable protections at the national level).
If Hirsi Ali thinks Islam is too far gone to be rescued, it's the job of moderate, enlightened Muslims to prove her wrong. Shouting her down as "Islamophobic" only reinforces the impression of Islam as in practice an aggressive, intolerant religion.
(I'm well aware that during the Islamic Golden Age, Islam was the religion of peace and tolerance and Christianity was the religion of aggressive intolerance. However, we have a lot less patience for poor treatment of people these days.)
That a black atheist activist for women's justice is a darling of the right wing and reviled by the left just shows how intellectually inconsistent a lot of political positions end up. If you follow proximal tribal loyalties it makes sense, but rationally it's ridiculous.
Added in edit: I'm not claiming Hirsi Ali is immune to this tribalism either.