If you read TaraElla's other articles, you'll find that she has extensive critiques of the postmodern approach of the illiberal left, documenting that the ideas are fundamentally postmodern, and problematic because of it.
That part is not just smoke. It's really on fire. Not a very big fire, but it's on fire. (If "on fire" means "intellectually and morally bankrupt".)
The right's blowing a lot of smoke--"postmodernism!" just isn't the smoke. Their smokescreen consists of them screaming "OMG man-in-a-dress man-in-a-dress, that's not a woman!" while trampling all over basic rights to medical care and self-determination. And voting. And free speech.
Regarding historical usage of "woke"--yeah, I hear you, but language changes over time, and I don't see how to put this genie back in the bottle. There's a phenomenon that needed naming; SJW didn't quite stick (it was too specific anyway and people with that outlook distanced themselves anyway once they started getting made fun of), and "woke" was appropriated to mean that. Hopefully it's just a passing phase. The original meaning is a good one, and needed.
It's a bigger shame about "Karen", though. That genie isn't back in the bottle at all. It's easier to pick some other term to mean the same thing than it is for 1.5 million people to change their name.