I'm afraid you're the one in the privilege bubble--the bubble of historical privilege in an affluent country.
If this doesn't look like victory to you, you're not paying attention to how things were, say, a hundred years ago. Or in many other countries today.
Victory isn't utopia. It isn't even okay. But in spectrum between the ideal is that we-treat-women-as-property and the ideal is that we-treat-women-as-people-and-the-same-as-men, the dial's all the way on the latter side.
The remaining problems are mostly (aside from the comparatively rare Andrew Tates of the world) not because people profess the wrong ideals. If "feminism" is the idea that the main problem is wrong ideals, it's not only wrong but actively counterproductive because it will lead us astray from solutions that are more likely to work and/or have fewer negative side-effects.
Feminism won the war, but the infrastructure is still a mess. There's still a lot, potentially, for feminism to do. The remaining issues arise mostly from (1) disagreements about to what extent there are intrinsic differences between men and women that we need to account for (and feminism could be a movement that seeks to come to a thorough understanding of these); (2) cultural inertia where practice is aligned with the old ideals even though people readily profess the new one (and feminism could be a movement that finds effective ways that shift the culture in practice to what people claim in principle); and (3) situations where there is no readily available solution (where feminism might possibly be a movement that tries to invent new ones that nobody's thought of yet).
The problem is that as a brand, feminism isn't about doing the post-war cleanup work. Most of what people hear about is finding new fronts on which to battle...except not in the countries around the world where the original battle is still being fought!
The state of women's rights in many Islamic countries is atrocious. Mandatory head coverings?! Honor killings?! Can't be out in public without a male relative or spouse?! Other guardianship laws?! Saudi Arabia needs a ton of even first-wave feminism. There are numerous non-Islamic countries where women have very little status, too. Guinea has shocking levels of FGM. There's rampant sexual assault in Botswana. And so on.
But in most advanced Westernized countries, the problems are mostly finicky and if not solved by time--let old people with old attitudes die rather than figure out how to change them, and hope that's enough--they require a thoughtful approach.
For instance, one might think that sexual assault indicated a view that men were better than women...but if you look at the rape statistics for gay men, they're also very high. A more parsimonious explanation is that men are more aggressive and use that to get sex. It's more a man issue than a woman issue, seemingly.
But if that's true, the question is then: what interventions are most effective at reaching the men most likely to use aggression to get sex? And that's tricky, because the thoughtful and sensitive ones aren't likely to be the problem to begin with. Someone who idolizes Andrew Tate isn't likely to see a rally with signs saying, "the future is female" and go "OMG, I will totally change my outlook...the future IS female, and I wanna be a feminist now!"
And yet, if feminism wants to be about equality between the sexes, and achieving that by taking a female-centered perspective to society and rights, it's got to tackle things on that level. And mostly--most obviously--it's not.
"What do we want?"
"Increased funding for research into how cultural portrayals of ideal masculinity affects propensity for high-aggression males to commit rape! Among other things!"
"When do we want it?"
"Initial grant applications due in the 2023/24 funding cycle, with decisions made by 24/25 and interim reports due 27/28!"
It's very important because our society is still a lot worse for women than it ought to be. But mostly it doesn't lend itself to slogans.
(Except for reproductive rights in the U.S.. The U.S. has managed to go so far backwards there that "keep your laws off my body" and such is relevant.)