I'm explaining why Abbott's dismissiveness was a problem: there are non-negligible levels of harm. She started the contest but also declared a gold medal without even checking.
I'm totally fine with adding a lot of history--that can provide important context for understanding current issues. I'm not okay with cherry-picking history.
You're the one claiming that one atrocity wipes out another, not me. Where did I say anything of the sort? Everything I said was about acknowledging past harms!
Competitive erasure of atrocities is utterly wrong. The lasting impacts of mistreatment on individuals and communities don't magically go away because someone else somewhere else was also mistreated. That's the whole reason why Oppression Olympics is misguided in the first place. If you want to triage where you try to take ameliorative action--and you probably need to--it should be a studious affair based on prospects for improvement and degree of ongoing negative impact, not shouting out a bunch of injustices as mine-are-worse-than-yours without bothering to mention yours.