I'm not sold at all that the left is worse. "Big lie"? Jan 6 was Antifa? Young-earth creationism? Birtherism?
They're just different.
The right thinks you're evil because you've abandoned God and Country--obviously you have, since you disagree with them on some point, like whether due process is important or you just lock people up when you suspect them of, I dunno, entering the country.
The left thinks you're evil because you want people who are not like you to suffer--obviously you do, because of your indelicately chosen wording that does not skirt triggers of every conceivable group.
They both go to ridiculous extremes, and if you poll people on how many believe absolutely flat-out ludicrous falsehoods, the right usually wins. (That is, it's worse.)
Usually. The left pretty much faceplanted on Rittenhouse. But anyway.