I'm not sure that most of the time any danger at all is associated with online comments. Yes, occasionally people get doxxed with horrible consequence (on all sides of contentious issues), but the usual state of affairs is that people make grumpy comments and go about their day like nothing ever happened with no change in their attitudes.
But let's suppose that there is some potential for danger, as you charge in a later reply, either because of direct action or because of changing attitudes.
Can you explain why hurling argument-free invective as the only response to an at-least-superficially polite and well-researched article, while identifying as trans, is not likely to have a bigger impact on "endangering you further" than the article itself is?
Or do you just mean that if anyone is going to endanger yourself and other trans people, it ought to be you?
Can you please explain the sociology of the situation here? What is the mechanism by which Steve's seemingly thoughtful articles are going to cause endangerment? What's the mechanism by which Steve's writings cause endangerment, but you presenting as a wholly unsympathetic figure does not?