It sounds like you're saying, "I have this fantasy that I'm not implemented by physical processes. Love inspires me to believe this fantasy extra-hard because, wow!"
Except all the indications are that you are, in fact, implemented physically. We even have managed to start dissecting some of the implementation details of certain types of love (e.g. that oxytocin plays an important role in signaling bonding, though the mechanistic details of how aren't entirely certain yet).
That you can point to physiological correlates of love that are probably not causal (e.g. blood pressure) in no way argues against there being some causal factor, any more than arguing that your computer getting hot is not causing its calculations means that computers don't actually compute things.
Until enough details are worked out, it's of course still possible that something else is going on. But all odds are on it being the same as life (and everything else): no vital spark keeping living things alive, just physical implementation; no panpsychism delivering qualia, just physical implementation.