It'd be good to be more careful about linking evidence in an expected place. The YouTube video that makes the claim underpinning your entire article is, for some odd reason, a link from a sentence that includes "new playing field where Republicans throw money at politicians" about halfway through your article. It really belongs somewhere up top, because it's really the only evidence you provide for your TYT-is-a-problem thesis.
Otherwise it gives the impression that you're writing a wholly unsupported character assassination: all claims from you, no support.
Especially since the link you had about the Young Turks "switching perspective" was Kasparian complaining that the California government wasn't paying for the car charging station for her condo block. This is not remotely compelling. This really supports the claim that they basically haven't shifted from a solidly progressive view. "Government funded electric car chargers" is not part of the Republican party platform, last I checked.