It's depressing that inaccurate and misleading history is replaced by...more inaccurate and misleading history!
For instance, the author repeatedly compares "the Americas" with "Europe", but then talks a lot about "this country". This gives the inaccurate impression that North America was teaming with residents before the European settlers got here, when the best consensus view is that the population density of Europe was on the order of 10x higher than North America when Columbus arrived. (The population in Central America was most of the total for the Americas, and the population density there was roughly similar to Europe's--but Cortez' conquest of the Aztecs has little to do with "this country", i.e. the United States.) It's true that on the Atlantic coast, many native tribes relied upon low-density agriculture, and they were badly affected by loss of farmland...but it is also true that compared to Europe, North America felt practically empty.
Why is it so hard (or unpalatable) to actually correct the record?! What a waste of a wonderful opportunity to spread accurate information!