Mkay, so, methodology, decided in advance: type in "astrological predictions for 2020" into YouTube and pick the top-voted three videos that are dated September 2019 or earlier that appear within the first three screens.
Then, the top hit for "astrological predictions for 2019" as a control, scored as if it were for 2020.
(I've tried "astrological forecast" and other such terms too; the videos found for me are fairly similar.)
Let's go!
Roland Legrand, 2020: He covers how the power of justice will intervene in autocracy and monetary power starting in December 2019. Young people putting pressure on the government to make things more equitable. Plus storms, earthquakes, volcanos. Conflict starting late June through the end of the year, following on things made much more explosive in Feb/March. No indication of a pandemic--complete fail there on the biggest event of the year. Kinda halfway okay for George Floyd + Jan 6 in the U.S. (but that's U.S. specific). Link:
Barbara (Bracha) Goldsmith, 2020: She is very excited about 2020, especially about December 21, 2020. No clue of a pandemic whatsoever (and all kinds of wrong stuff said about 1980):
Joni Patri, 2020: She talks about economy, government secrets, cryptocurrency, etc.--brief mention of "some catastrophic event" dated March 8-September 18, with historical evidence that isn't any worse than the rest of what was happening in history every 18 years, no indication it was a pandemic, and with the end times irrelevant (deaths were high, and took off even more after September 18); there was the eclipse too, but again, no indication other than "calamity". Lil bit off there:
Rick Levine, 2019: January 2019 is a microcosm of the whole year; the year builds to a crescendo at the start of 2020. Except...Covid in China in January was a microcosm of Covid throughout the world in 2020! Otherwise, he stresses political instability (still talking about 2020), with lots of examples, not disease.
Oh, and a crescendo of political instability resulting in a dramatic event on January 6th (very close to January 11th!) was in...2021! Not 2020. Oh well.
I'd go through more, and come up with a good scoring, but this takes FOREVER. (Also, YouTube doesn't show me anywhere near 236 videos predicting events of 2020 that were posted before 2020.)
I tell my kids stories in the car to keep them entertained. I let them give me random settings and characters and even just random words if they feel like, and then spin them together into something that sounds coherent. It's a lot of fun. I don't see anything here that I don't do all the time: take a variety of inputs, spin them into a compelling story; the main difference is the skill in keeping things specific enough to seem compelling but vague enough to be met by a large number of different possible events.
Anyway, the predictions missed the really big shock of an event, and the year isn't even that specific.