Mmmkay--how about Locke, Rousseau, Mill, etc.? Confucius, for that matter. Plato.
It's not like there isn't prior art regarding how to restrain the would-be dictator, including in a society where individuals are relatively empowered, and what moral qualities one would ideally like in a leader.
That we embrace a culture of rewarding sociopaths is not entailed by having so-called "slave morality" (i.e. being a halfway decent person in a large impersonal society). It's a danger everywhere, and we see plenty of instances of sociopathy-in-leaders being adequately curtailed in places where these traits are particularly valued (e.g. Scandinavian countries).
How about some data regarding the "white" part of your core question? Oh, wait, it doesn't show much of anything, does it?
Is there any reason for the title aside from it being ostensibly offensive but socially-passable-at-least-on-Medium clickbait?
This seems considerably less well-considered and well-put than usual. Maybe you want to try a revamp. You have some good points, but they're interspersed with a lot of not-good points.