My apologies--this one really was my mistake; I was remembering a different one of your links.
I agree that there's no point going around and around on this any longer.
I've tried to make a simple point about ten times now, and if you've ever understood it, you've never acknowledged it. I don't know why. It's honestly baffling to me.
You've said absolutely every possible thing from every angle that is necessary in order to understand the point. You know the definition, you accept the principle that evolutionary pressure might be informative for psychology, you admit that you're using your own perspective, you also admit that you're criticizing the practice...and acknowledgement of the point that practice and principle are different. No acknowledgement that you can't debunk a principle exclusively by referring to practice. You even manage to dodge, at the end, by saying you're not redefining EP--you're just redefining it. ?!?!
I'm completely stumped.
So, yes, let's stop! Feel free to correct any misconceptions I've conveyed here. I won't reply unless you specifically request it. (E.g. "could you please tell me XYZ".)