Nah, it's too much work to do solo. Sample size would too small. I'd need to count through comments on a dozen posts or so.
Simon did get a lot of pushback on his post saying that men should be feminists; basically nobody was convinced that egalitarian feminism was really a thing. It's a hard, hard sell on Medium, especially, where you can find high levels of hostility against and sweeping statements made about men, and a special level of fire reserved for men who say anything in defense or which sounds anything like #notallmen. So I agree it's not all to snark. Content matters.
But his Not a Doormat post is basically advice on how to treat women well and yourself well (if you are a man), and it got overwhelmingly positive replies. I couldn't find anything Robert said that was advice to men, would result in them generally being better to women, and was appreciated.