No, but the threat to your worldview might, I admit, underlie why you haven't really considered my arguments, failed to even remember your own claims, and now apparently are bailing ("it didn't go anywhere") without ever having made any substantive point. I'm not in your head. I can't tell. But it's at least consistent.
I challenge my worldview constantly. I'm not afraid of it changing if I'm wrong. That's why I have reasons and evidence for an overwhelming majority of what I believe--and believe things with a certainty in proportion to the quality of the evidence. I am delighted to update my beliefs when I get new and better evidence.
But, you know, I've seen the "It's obvious!" answer many times before. To me it seems like there are a variety of reasons why people say such things--sometimes "threatens worldview" seems to be it (but it's hard to get people to admit that, so it's hard to validate the hunch), sometimes because it really does feel obvious to them but they don't know how to explain it in a way that can be shared with others, sometimes other things. But the common feature is that when complex phenomena are supposedly explicable with simple rules because "it's obvious", the model is almost always poor.