No, everything you said is wrong. Literally every point.
I made a mistake too — I meant “social democracy” rather than “democratic socialism”. (Finland does not collectively manage the means of production for enough of its economy to really count as “democratic socialism”.)
But you didn’t say anything right.
Liberalism isn’t synonymous with capitalism; it just works well with it.
Capitalism isn’t synonymous with imperialism.
Liberalism isn’t synonymous with imperialism; indeed, the two are an uncomfortable fit since imperialism denies individual liberty.
Liberalism is predicated on fairly rational masses.
Capitalism is justified by having largely rational masses.
Imperialism can be supported by rational or irrational masses. (Rational selfishness, in the case of the perpetrators. You can be rational but have bad goals.)
Finland’s success has approximately zilch to do with imperialism directly. They never engaged in it at all. They benefited somewhat with pleasant relations with imperial powers.
So — really, you could hardly be more wrong.