No, I'm open to compelling evidence to the contrary, despite having read on the topic in some depth. (In addition to "lived experience" which we all have, albeit from different perspectives.)
But, anyway, you are writing to persuade or align forces or something, as am I.
So the "whatever works for you" is simply a dodge: you don't intend your words to be mere opinion, so it's not equitable for you to act as if mine are.
However, I do agree that you're displaying action consistent with your advice (albeit extended to a wider set of "haters" than you specified originally): if you don't like what you hear, then don't engage. Of course if one is wrong in some way then one would tend to stay that way, if one just disengages at the first sign of disagreement. Applied widely, this leads to lots of people being quite wrong in a wide variety of ways, because they don't learn from each other.