No, of course not--I was referring to things you've said over multiple posts and multiple previous years, not just that one. That is why I used the word "previously" (and the past progressive tense) rather than referring to the other article, which I had already introduced as a thing.
"The solution, as I see it, is to give the men the context they’re missing. Now you can do this the rude way, which is usually what I do. Something like, “You’re being a cry baby. Grow thicker skin and listen to what she’s saying.”" Remember who said that?
So, you know, I figured I don't need to take out the extra-velvety gloves if I'm going to disagree with you. That's all I was saying.
But if I don't comment at all, then I don't even need to think about what kind of gloves to wear, which is strictly less work.