No, that's clearly a complete outlier, utterly unrepresentative of what communist socialism tends to produce.
Why, when Pol Pot led the communist/socialist revolution in Cambodia, it instead resulted in the direct and indirect deaths of a quarter of the populati...oh. Wait.
But of course, these two are clearly complete outliers and utterly unrepresentative. When Mao Zedong led the Chinese communist/socialist revolution, the new government merely killed some millions of people and introduced ill-conceived top-down economic controls that led to the starvation of some thirty milli...oops. Dang it.
So, never mind, these three are clearly complete outliers and utterly unrepresentative. When Kim Il-sung took control in North Korea and proclaimed it a communist country, communists with links to South Korea were eliminated, and anyone suspected was placed into an economically impoverished Songbun caste, while an extensive prison, rats.
Anyway, those four are clearly complete outliers and utterly unrepresentative. In Yugoslavia, Tito arrested hundreds of thousands who opposed or were suspected of opposing him, killing mind.
Those five are completely outliers, however. In Romania...uh, in...Romania....
So, those six are...
Socialism that is the intellectual heir of Marxism has a really bad track record. Although there are cases where the system seemed sort of marginally okayish (Cuba, for instance) and others where it was reworked into something quite considerably different (China post-Mao), a shockingly high rate of grotesque human rights abuses coupled with a relatively unimpressive track record of economic development or promotion of human flourishing should indeed leave us very suspicious of the dominant flavors of socialism as an organizing principle for the whole society.
That doesn't necessarily make it bad in moderation--just like the abject failure of "minimal government" in Mogadishu doesn't mean that there isn't a place for shrinking governments in some cases.
But the reputation is somewhat deserved; it's not just Stalin being Stalin.