Not only, though, because for good or for ill, Israel has existed for a long time. Thus, roughly 4/5 of Jews in Israel were born there--Israel is the only home they've ever known.
You cannot "from the river to the sea" + "by any means necessary" without necessarily (though perhaps unwittingly) accepting quite drastically inhumane treatment of millions of people--in terms of numbers, greatly exceeding the Nakba.
Zionism is a political ideology that should make a lot of sense to Islamists: it is unacceptable to be under the control of a state with a different religious leaning. Heck, if your religion says a building is important enough, even that can't be under someone else's control.
Now, personally, I don't have very much sympathy for either the Islamist or the Zionist perspective. But I'm certainly not willing to view one as a cultural practice that should be respected and the other as apartheid and ethnocentrism.
So, if you view it from a secular perspective, the reality is that there are a lot of people living in Israel who do not deserve to have their lives completely upended because their parents or grandparents or great-grandparents conducted themselves immorally in some important ways. And if you view it from a perspective of embrace of cultural diversity, then Zionism is as valid as Islamic or Arab rule.
So, support Palestine? Yes, indeed, Palestinians need a robust, functioning country to aid their people in the ways that countries can aid people! But to support it with the condition that Israel must be dismantled is impossible to do without immense disregard for the well-being of Israelis, most of whom are Jews. If you're chanting slogans that at the very best mean "let's uproot millions of Jews for no fault of their own", and are perfect cover for genocide, I would think most any Jew ought to be rather shocked that you couldn't find a less stridently hardline approach especially when it's so incredibly easy to oppose brutality without echoing statements that have been repeatedly used to justify atrocities.
(This is not to claim that Israeli politicians, especially the right-wing ones, have not used language that condones or encourages atrocities. They have. The point is that the appropriate response is not to condone counter-atrocities.)
Finally, your Western Colonialism gender oppression point makes no sense. Societies change. We live now, not in the era of the conquistadors. If you try to reason about what is good or bad now by the actions of powers four hundred years ago (or even one hundred years ago), you're going to make a royal mess of basically every political and societal situation on the planet. No thanks!